Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5

Bluestacks 4 and Bluestacks 5 are two different versions of the same platform. The difference between them is that Bluestacks 4 is an older version and has been discontinued by Bluestack while the newer version, Bluestacks 5 offers a lot more features.

Both of these platforms are built to help you run your Android apps on a Windows device but there are a few key differences that make the newer one -Bluestacks 5- way better. It offers support for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and 10 making it work seamlessly on most computers available in the market today compared to Bluestacks 4 which only supports 32-bit applications on Windows 7 only. It also comes with Google Play Store compatibility which makes it possible to download apps from Google Play directly without any hassle, something that’s not possible in Bluestacks 4 (as their app store is non-functional).

Bluestacks is designed to make it easy to access your favorite Android games and apps on your PC.

This article will compare Bluestacks 4 vs 5 and will share the differences and similarities between these two products.

What’s New in Bluestacks 5?

Bluestacks 5 is the latest release from the company with a few new features and improvements.

Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5

Some of the newly released features include improved HW acceleration for Android games, cross-platform automatic synchronization for Android apps across PC and Mac, and RTL (right-to-left) language support for Windows apps.

Bluestacks released its latest version of the software, Bluestacks 5, just a few days ago.

The first thing that you’ll notice is that it’s much smoother than previous versions of Bluestacks. It also comes with a brand-new UI and a lot of new features including:

– Multi-monitor support

– Virtual Reality (VR) enhancements

– Desktop computer mode for using Bluestacks as if it were an application

– An all-new GPU acceleration to deliver high-resolution graphics in the fastest manner possible.

– New window management for fast switching between apps

Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5 User Interface

The Bluestacks 4 vs Blustacks 5 User Interface is one of the main points of difference between the two products. Bluestacks 4 is a condensed and clean interface with a Windows start button, while Bluestacks 5 is more colorful and contains more features for multitaskers.

As you can see from the table above, Bluestacks 4 and Bluestacks 5 have a lot of similarities. The only big difference is that Bluestacks 5 is for Android devices and doesn’t support all the popular operating systems

Bluestacks 4 does not support the Android operating system which means that it does not support most of the newest apps on the market. In addition, one of its biggest downsides is compatibility with external controllers, which means you will need to control everything with your keyboard.

Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5 Performance

The new Bluestacks 5 comes with numerous changes in the UI, performance, and features. Let’s find out how it fares against the old Bluestacks 4.

With its latest update, players will notice a new design much cleaner than before. It also includes a new feature of ‘windowed mode that allows you to play on your own desktop if you would like.

The Bluestacks 5 comes with some improvements in terms of performance as well. One noticeable change is that it now supports AMD CPUs for the first time ever on Windows 10, allowing for better graphics and faster gameplay on gaming laptops using AMD chipsets alike.

Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5 Performance: Which one should you use?

• In this research, we will compare the performance of Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5.

Bluestacks 4 was released in November 2017 and 5 has been released in September 2018. Bluestacks 4 was much heavier weighed than Bluestack 5, but now it’s lighter weight.

Bluestack 5 is thinner compared to Bluestack 4

Bluetaks 4 has improved graphics performance, but Bluetaks 5 has somehow improved graphic performance as well as it doesn’t have any glitches.

Bluetaks 3 also ran smoother but Bluetaks 4 had some laggy moments which are not present in 5.

Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5 Graphics

In this article, we will compare Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5 Graphics to find out which one is better. The new version of the application offers a lot of improvements including graphics.

This section covers the difference in graphics quality between Bluestacks 4 and Bluestacks 5. The two versions of the emulator are different in their capabilities and each has its own set of advantages.

• Bluestacks 4: Supports 3D graphics while Bluestacks 5: Does not support 3D rendering

• With the release of Bluestacks 4, the company introduced a new software architecture that is 100% native and powered by Android Nougat. But it has also been observed that the applications run slower on this platform which is why many people still prefer to use Bluestacks 5.

• The features of Bluestacks 4 include Gamepad API, Wi-Fi Direct, Generalized Peripherals for games, and support for 10-bit color depth. On the other hand, with Bluestacks 5, there are a lot of new features like AudioShield and gamepad API.

Bluestacks 4 vs Bluestacks 5 Compatibility

Bluestacks 4 was a great platform for gamers but there were some things that could have been improved in it. But now, the latest Bluestacks 5 is out and it has become more compatible than ever before. It has an improved game streaming experience with zero lag and offers neat features like a Gamepad mapper and support for wireless gaming controllers.

The Bluestacks 4 is being phased out and the Bluestacks 5 is the new version of the software.

If you want to make sure your computer will be compatible with the Bluestacks 4, you should make sure that it meets these requirements: a 64-bit or higher processor, 2+ GB of RAM, 10 GB or more of storage space, and 1200×800 screen resolution.

Bluestacks 4 is about to reach end-of-life status, so developers are pushing for people to move over to Bluestacks 5 in order to ensure compatibility with newer operating systems.

Bluestacks 4 and Bluestacks 5 are two different versions of Android emulator software as well as hardware that is capable of running Android applications.

The hardware in Bluestacks 4 is much more powerful than the hardware in Bluestacks 5. However, the downside to this is the cost associated with it.


In conclusion, Bluestacks 5 is the better choice if you’re looking for a more stable and reliable Android emulator. It’s also faster and smoother than Bluestacks 4, so you’ll have a better experience overall. However, if you need an emulator that’s compatible with older versions of Windows, then Bluestacks 4 is the way to go.

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